Personal Hygiene Storage
72-hour Kit
- Pack hygiene supplies in a zipped storage bag for easy re-packing and to protect from leakage.
- Remember essentials.
- Extra eyeglasses and contact lens supplies
- Toilet paper: remove the cardboard tube for easy pulling from the center, and store in a zipped storage bag to protect from the elements
- Feminine sanitary supplies, baby diapers, wet wipes
- Toothbrush and paste
- Soap, shampoo
Short-term “Toilet”
- Fill a bucket with hygiene supplies: toilet paper, feminine sanitary supplies, gloves, and trash bags.
- Store the bucket and a shovel with your food storage for use as an emergency “toilet.”
- Consider the bucket as the “last resort” supply when the family unexpectedly runs out of supplies!
- Invest in a toilet seat lid that fits a 5- or 6-gallon bucket (~$13)
or a commercially manufactured emergency toilet. - Store baby diapers and wipes, if needed.
Long-term Inventory
- Inventory hygiene supplies along with food storage.
- Consider storing supplies in one main location for better awareness of quantities.
- Store lots of soap—it becomes very valuable during difficult times.
- Store some cloth baby diapers, diaper pins, and plastic pants.
- Invest in a large washtub or a solar shower for bathing with less water.
Sanitation Storage
Short-term Supplies
- Store disposable products for easy cleanup.
- Store wet wipes—they’re useful for all kinds of cleaning with little water.
Seal the container in a zipped bag to minimize evaporation. - Store hand sanitizer.
- Store disposable paper products, utensils, and aluminum foil for easy kitchen cleanup.
- Store wet wipes—they’re useful for all kinds of cleaning with little water.
Long-term Inventory
- Inventory cleaning supplies along with food storage.
- Consider storing supplies in one main location for better awareness of quantities.
- Emergency equipment
- Store rubber gloves! Harsh weather and work can make hands crack and bleed.
- Store plenty of plastic trash bags, disinfectant, and some bleach.
(Remember that liquid bleach is only good for about one year.)
- Store some liquid laundry detergent; it dissolves more easily than powdered detergent.
- Emergency equipment
- Store gloves!
- Invest in a hand washer or scrub board.
- Invest in a drying rack or clothesline and pins.
Download A Quick View of Hygiene and Sanitation Storage 2019Jan19