Emergency Storage of Family Records

POWER IN PREPAREDNESS! Week 11: Emergency Storage of Family Records

Family Home Evening—Choose what works for your family.


Nephi’s Courage and Search, Ponder, and Pray (Children’s Songbook p. 120 and p. 109); Let Us All Press On (Hymns, p. 243)

Book of Mormon Story

Nephi gets the brass plates from Laban.
Read 1 Ne 3 and 4.

Discussion Questions

  1. What did Nephi know about the Lord’s commandments?
    The Lord provides a way for men to accomplish his commandments.
  2. Why was it important to go back and get the plates?
    The plates would preserve the language of their fathers and the words of the prophets for their children.
    They could not keep the commandments and would perish in unbelief unless they had a copy of the law of Moses.
  3. On the third visit to Laban, how did Nephi know what to do?
    He was led by the Spirit.


  1. The Lord will provide a way for us to accomplish his commandments.
  2. The scriptures and our family records are important for our children to learn the gospel and to know about their ancestors.
  3. We can be led by the Spirit in obtaining and preserving our family records.

Activity Ideas

  1. Make an identification card with a photo and fingerprints for each family member. ID cards are available from most local police departments.
  2. Place copies of birth certificates in your 72-hour kits.
  3. Shrink and laminate copies of patriarchal blessings to fit in wallets.
  4. Gather important papers into a safe location.
  5. Make an inventory of precious possessions for use in the event of evacuation or for insurance purposes.
  6. Make child emergency backpack kits for school.

Treat Ideas

Make a treat from your family heritage.

  1. Johnny cake (Gramma’s easy version)
    1. Follow the box mix instructions to bake a spice cake. Use a 9”x13” baking pan.
    2. Mix applesauce with cinnamon and spread it over the top of the cake.
    3. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream.
  2. Banana pudding
    1. Cover the bottom of a 9”x13” baking pan with vanilla wafers.
    2. Slice bananas to cover the vanilla wafers.
    3. Prepare three 5 oz. boxes of cooked vanilla pudding.
    4. Pour the pudding over the vanilla wafers and bananas. Use a spoon to push the floating wafers back down again.
    5. Serve warm or cold with whip cream. Refrigerate with plastic wrap on the pudding to prevent the formation of a “skin” on the top.

A Quick View of Emergency Record Storage
Child Backpack Kit

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