A Quick View of Emergency Evacuation

Advance Preparation

  1. Choose a location outside your home for your family to gather and account for each member during an emergency.
  2. Assemble a message jar with pencils and paper. Place it in a hiding place outside your home for family members to leave messages for each other in the event of an emergency that makes your house unsafe.
  3. Choose a location outside your neighborhood for your family to gather away from home. Discuss routes from work and school to your family gathering spot.
  4. Find out where children will be sent if they are in school when an evacuation is announced.
  5. Make up a family code word to help children identify trusted adults.
  6. Make sure to have an out-of-state contact person.
  7. Assemble a notebook with your emergency plans and family contact information.
  8. Make a list of important items to take. Make a written list and video recording of possessions for insurance purposes.
  9. Keep your car filled with gas. Store an extra can of gas.

Immediate Evacuation

  1. Gather:
    1. 72-hour emergency kit
    2. wallet and keys
  2. Meet at pre-designated family meeting place.

Evacuation with Advance Notice

  1. Warn family members and neighbors.
  2. Gather:
    1. 72-hour emergency kit
    2. wallet and keys
    3. camping equipment:
      1. tent, sleeping bags, pads
      2. food boxes (for two weeks)
      3. cooking equipment
    4. medicines
    5. activities/comfort measures: coloring books, crayons, deck of cards, pillows, blankets
  3. Pack clothes:
    1. shoes or boots
    2. underwear, socks, jeans, shirt
    3. coat, hat, gloves
    4. personal hygiene supplies
    5. glasses
  4. Gather important papers, photo albums, genealogy, and valuables.
  5. Change clothes, if needed, and use the restroom.
  6. Feed, load up, or release pets.
  7. Close the blinds and drapes.
  8. Lock the house and remaining vehicles.
  9. Post a message telling others when you left and where you are going.
  10. Post a green flag, green trash can, or other green item at the end of your driveway to let the emergency personnel know your family has evacuated.
  11. Listen to local radio or TV for location of emergency shelters or evacuation routes.

Download A Quick View of Emergency Evacuation 2019Jan19