Little Miss Muffet— How to Use Your Powdered Milk

How to Use Your Powdered Milk Table of Contents

Mozzarella Cheese!
Mock Cheddar Cheese
Day Cheese (Ricotta)
Cottage Cheese
Basic Yogurt
Yogurt Flavors
Frozen Yogurt
Astronaut Smoothie
Fruit Smoothie
Tongue-teaser Smoothie
Aunt Martha’s Ranch Dressing
Thousand Island Salad Dressing
Creamy Italian Salad Dressing
Creamy Parmesan Salad Dressing
French Herb Salad Dressing
Sour Cream
Bacon Dip
Cream Cheese
Cheese Ball
Magical Cheesecake
Whipped Topping
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Evaporated Milk
Powdered Milk Mix
White Sauce
Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
Powdered Milk Pudding
Powdered Milk Chocolate Pudding

Benefits of Powdered Milk

  1. Food storage. Powdered milk can supply the dairy products we want to include in our food storage plan—if we know how to use it!
  2. Significant cost savings. Non-instant powdered milk costs almost half the price of fresh milk!
  3. Diet. Non-fat powdered milk can help those who are trying to reduce fat in their diets. (It is not recommended as a primary nutrition source for children because they need fat to grow, although powdered milk is better than no milk in an emergency.)

Quantity Recommendations

The suggested amount of stored milk per adult for one year is 16 lbs. of non-instant powdered milk (which equals 4 cans of the Church’s non-instant powdered milk).
This recommendation provides one glass a day and will maintain minimum health standards. The recommendation was scaled back from the previous recommendation of 75 lbs. It is recommended that families who follow the 16 lb. recommendation add 100 pounds of grain per person to compensate for the nutritional difference.
Children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers will require more.

Kinds of Powdered Milk

  1. “Super” instant (such as Country Cream, Provident Pantry)—mixes with a spoon, uses the same quantity of powder in recipes as non-instant, very expensive
  2. Regular instant (such as Western Family or Carnation)—mixes with a spoon, uses almost double the quantity of powder in recipes as non-instant, comparable in cost to grocery store milk
  3. Non-instant (such as the Church’s powdered milk)—mixes with a blender or vigorous whisking, least expensive

Storage Information

Store powdered milk in containers that minimize air exposure, such as cans or buckets, in a cool, dark place.
The recommended shelf life of nonfat powdered milk is now 20-30 years.
Powdered milk has no fat to go rancid. However, it gradually loses its nutritional value and develops a stronger flavor as it ages.
Powdered milk can retain its nutritional value longer (possibly longer than the recommended shelf life) if it is stored under good conditions.

Mixing Methods for Non-instant Milk

  1. Blender method
    Measure half the water (not to exceed 2 c.) into the blender. Add the non-instant dry milk powder and blend. Transfer the mixture to the desired pitcher or container. Add the remaining water.
  2. By hand method
    Reverse the process by measuring non-instant dry milk powder into a bowl. Slowly add half the water (not to exceed 2 c.) and beat with a flat whisk or fork to create a thick paste like a gravy slurry. Be careful to work out any lumps. Add the remaining water. (Non-instant powdered milk reconstitutes better with warm water.)

Powdered Milk Reconstitution Chart

Milk Quantity Instant Dry Milk Non-Instant Dry Milk Water
1 gallon 5 1/3 c. 3 c. 15 c.
1 quart 1 1/3 c. ¾ c. 3 ¾ c.
1 cup 1/3 c. 3 tbs. 1 c.
½ cup 3 tbs. 4 tsp. ½ c.
¼ cup 4 tsp. 2 tsp. ¼ c.

Suggestions for Regular Use

Powdered milk will taste better when chilled before drinking.
Many families find powdered milk more appealing when mixed with an equal quantity of whole milk. Some families like to add a little vanilla to their powdered milk.
Use powdered milk in recipes calling for milk by adding the dry milk to the other dry ingredients. Add the needed water when adding the wet ingredients.
Leftover whey can be used in baked goods or soups. Do not combine whey with other milk ingredients because it may cause them to curdle.

Many dairy recipes require regular milk to be heated in order to destroy the enzymes that would interfere with the culturing process or with yeast. Powdered milk does not need to be heated for this purpose.


If you want to use the following recipes with fresh milk, you must heat the milk first before using any live cultures (buttermilk, yogurt, rennet). Fresh milk contains active enzymes that can destroy live cultures.


The following recipes all use non-instant powdered milk. To use old-fashioned instant powdered milk (Western Family, Carnation), you must re-figure the quantities. Newer instant powdered milks (Country Cream, Provident Pantry) use the same quantities as non-instant milk. (Woo-hoo!)

A good source for dairy supplies: Leeners